Start Multiple Volcas in Sync
Chaining Volcas together using the sync in/sync out connectors synchronizes the tempo (i.e: changing the tempo on one Volca will change the tempo of all Volcas), however this doesn’t synchronises the beat (one Volca can be at 0.42 of a bar of another one).
There is a little hack to get everything in sync, using an extra mini-jack cable:
- Chain Volcas together as you would normally do,
- On the master Volca, plug the extra mini-jack cable to sync-in,
- Start all Volcas, press play everywhere.
At this point, the master Volca is waiting for something to come in from the sync-in cable, all other Volcas are waiting for the master Volca to send a signal, so everything is stuck waiting for something magical to happen with the sync-in cable.
- Un-plug the sync-in cable.
The master Volca doesn’t wait anymore on this socket, starts playing and sending signals to other Volcas.